you will be shocked !!
today I am uncovering few animal facts that are so strange you might think they’re made up but they aren’t.
Octopus a Master of Disguise and intelligence possesses three hearts two for the gills and one rest of the body.
Cows form strong social bonds and have best friends within their herds experiencing stress when separated.
A group of flamingos known for their vibrant pink plumage is aptly called a flamboyance sloths can hold their breath longer than Dolphins remaining submerged for up to 40 minutes.
The mantis shrimp delivers the fastest punch in the animal kingdom creating cavitation bubbles that generate heat and light.
Butterflies use chemo receptors on their feet to sample the chemical composition of surfaces essentially tasting their food before consuming it.
Sharks have a lineage that stretches back further than the existence of trees appearing around 400 million years ago.
Snails can enter a state of dorcy sealing themselves inside their shells and sleeping for up to 3 years
Koalas share a surprising trait with humans fingerprints with intricate loops and whirls remarkably similar to our own sea otter hold hands while they sleep to prevent drifting apart in the ocean currents.
Male seahorses carry fertilized eggs in a pouch on their belly providing nourishment and protection until the tiny seahorses hatch.
Kangaroos with their large tails and muscular hind legs are unable to
move backward
Agroup of crows is referred to as a murder reflecting their complex social interactions and problem solving abilities
Turritopsis dorny a species of jellyfish can revert itself cells back to a polyp stage essentially turning back the clock on its life cycle
Pandas spend a significant portion of their day consuming bamboo needing to eat vast quantities to meet their nutritional needs.
Oysters can change their gender depending on environmental factors and resource availability switching between male and female throughout their lives.
Some species of turtles can breathe through their butts using cloaca to absorb oxygen from the water and stay submerged for extended periods
Rats laugh when tickled emitting high frequency chirping sounds that indicate positive emotions and playfulness.