Today we’re diving into a topic that’s in almost everyone’s pocket chewing gum. We’ve all popped a piece of gum at some point but have you ever wondered if it’s good or bad for you?
Chewing gum is a soft rubbery substance that’s designed to be chewed but not swallowed. Recipes can vary among Brands but all chewing gums have the following basic ingredients
1. gum this is the non-digestible rubbery base used to give gum its chewy quality
2. resin this is usually added to strengthen gum and hold it together
3. fillers such as calcium carbonate or talc are used to give gum texture
4. preservatives these are added to extend shelf life the most popular choice is an organic compound called butylated hydroxy taline BHT
5. softeners these are used to retain moisture and prevent the gum from hardening they can include waxes like paraffin or vegetable oils
6. Sweeteners cane sugar beet and corn syrup are popular sweeteners. sugar-free gums use sugar alcohol such as Xylitol or artificial sweeteners such as aspirin
7. flavourings natural or synthetic flavourings are added to give gum the desired taste
Most chewing gum manufacturers keep their exact recipes a secret they often refer to their specific combination of gum resin filler softeners and antioxidants as their gum base. all ingredients used in the processing of chewing gum have to be food grade and classified as fit for human consumption in general chewing gum is considered safe however some types of chewing gum contain small amounts of controversial ingredients. Even in these cases the amounts are generally much lower than the amounts considered to cause harm.
What are some of the benefits of chewing gum?
- reduce stress and boost memory. Studies have found that chewing gum while performing tasks can improve various aspects of brain function including alertness memory understanding and decision-making. one randomized controlled trial found that students who chewed gum over a period of 7 or 19 days had reduced scores for depression anxiety and stress compared to those who did not those who chewed gum also achieved greater academic success. Experts don’t fully understand how chewing gum improves memory one theory is that this Improvement is due to increased blood flow to the brain caused by chewing gum. Studies have also found that chewing gum May reduce stress and increase feelings of alertness in a small 2012 study in University students chewing gum for 2 weeks decreased participants feelings of stress particularly in relation to academic workload this could be due to the act of chewing which has been linked to reduced levels of stress hormones such as cortisol the benefits of chewing gum on memory have been shown to last only while you’re chewing the gum however habitual gum chewers May benefit from feeling more alert and less stressed throughout the day.
- chewing gum could help you lose weight chewing gum could be a helpful tool for those trying to lose weight this is because it’s both Sweet and Low in calories giving you a sweet taste without negatively affecting your diet . Some research also suggests that chewing gum could reduce your appetite which could prevent you from overeating. Once small study found that chewing gum between meals decreased feelings of hunger and reduced intake high carb snacks in the afternoon .results of another small study suggest that chewing gum while walking could help burn more calories. Interestingly there is also some evidence that chewing gum may increase your metabolic rate however more research is needed to determine whether chewing gum leads to a difference in weight over the long term.
- chewing gum could help protect your teeth and reduce bad breath chewing sugar-free gum could help protect your teeth from cavities it’s better for your teeth than regular sugar sweetened gum this is because sugar feeds the bad bacteria in your mouth which can damage your teeth.
Are there any side effects of chewing gum?
While chewing gum has some potential benefits chewing too much gum could cause some unwanted side effects
- sugar-free gums contain laxatives and fodmaps the sugar alcohols used to sweeten sugar-free gum have a laxative effect when consumed in large amounts this means that chewing lots of sugar-free gum could cause digestive stress and diarrhoea additionally all sugar alcohols are fodmaps which can cause digestive problems for people with irritable bowel syndrome IBS .
- sugar sweetened gum is bad for your dental and metabolic Health chewing gum sweetened with sugar is really bad for your teeth this is because sugar is digested by the bad bacteria in your mouth causing an increase in the amount of plaque on your teeth and tooth decay over time. Eating too much sugar is also associated with a number of health conditions such as obesity insulin resistance and diabetes.
- chewing gum too often could cause problems with your jaw constant chewing could lead to a jaw problem called temporal mandibular disorder TMD which causes pain when you chew although this condition is rare some Studies have found a link between excessive chewing and TMD temporomandibular disorders tmds are a group of more than 30 conditions that cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and muscles that control jaw movement
- chewing gum has been linked to headaches one research review suggests that regularly chewing gum May trigger headaches in people prone to migraine episodes and tension type headaches more research is needed but the researcher suggested that people who experience migraine might want to limit their gum chewing.
if you know this habit causes you problems it’s best to limit your chewing otherwise a stick or two of gum between meals isn’t a bad idea whether chewing gum is good or bad for you depends on various factors including the type of gum and how much you’re chewing like many things in life moderation is key .