There are many things you can do to ensure your baby's health and intelligence. You shouldn't be eating just any food, you should be eating a diet of foods that will benefit both you and your baby. Here are the 11 best foods to eat during pregnancy to give birth to a smart and intelligent baby:
Eggs: Eggs are an excellent source of nutrients for pregnant women. Eggs are among the healthiest foods you can eat during pregnancy as they are a good source of various vitamins, protein and nutrients that can help you keep your baby healthy while it's developing in the womb. But keep in mind that you always use pasteurized eggs.
Fatty fish: Doctors recommend that pregnant women should increase their intake of Omega three fatty acids to ensure the development of baby's brain and nervous system. Most common sources of these fatty acids are fish. Pregnant women should consume at least two servings of fatty fish per week to ensure that their baby gets enough DHA in their early development.
Almonds: Eating almonds during pregnancy is one of the best things you can do to ensure your baby is born with a healthy and intelligent brain. Almonds are an amazing food to eat during pregnancy thanks to their high protein, fiber, vitamin E and iron content. All of these nutrients are essential for the development of baby.
Milk: Pregnant women need lots of nutrients for themselves and the baby. The most important nutrients for pregnant women are protein and calcium. For this, milk is best to drink during pregnancy for the healthy development of the baby. When you drink plenty of milk it can improve your baby’s intelligence. But always consume pasteurized milk.
Leafy green vegetables: The best food during pregnancy is leafy green vegetables. Some of the leafy green vegetables are spinach lentils and broccoli these vegetables have high nutritional value and help in the proper development of the fetus. Leafy green vegetables that are a great source of folic acid are beneficial for the baby as they help in eliminating many heart diseases.
Blueberries: Pregnant women can get the best health benefits by eating blueberries during their pregnancy. The beneficial health properties of the berries help to improve the overall health of mother and the baby. Blueberries contain antioxidants and vitamin C that has a significant impact on the intelligence of the baby.
Oranges: It is a well-known fact that oranges are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C in oranges prevents morning sickness and maintains good skin health.
Cheese: Cheese is a great food for babies as they develop in the womb. Cheese contains zinc that helps in the development of a baby’s brain bones and eyes it contains high quality protein calcium and other nutritional minerals that are essential to the baby’s growth. Keep in mind that you always use pasteurized cheese.
Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes not only taste delicious but they’re also packed with nutrients that are essential for a healthy pregnancy. Sweet potatoes contain more vitamin B6 than white potatoes and also contain vitamin C and beta-carotene. Thus, they are the best food for baby growth during pregnancy.
Pumpkin seeds: Pregnant women who want to have a smart child should eat pumpkin seeds during pregnancy because the seeds have essential omega-6 protein, vitamin E, zinc, iron and other nutrients that help the development of the brain and eyes of babies.
Yogurt: Yogurt is one of the delicious food that you can eat during pregnancy for an intelligent baby. It is a healthy and nutritious food that can boost your health and energy level. Yogurt contains essential nutrients that are required for the proper development of an unborn child and it’s also good for the bone development of the baby.
You wonder what to eat during pregnancy to make a baby intelligent the most important things to consume are folic acid, iron, protein and calcium. Moreover, do not forget to add the foods discussed earlier to your diet during pregnancy for an intelligent baby. You can also consult your doctor if you have certain food allergies so that they can suggest suitable alternatives.